
We are developing and testing a variety of recycled raw materials, including molten slag, to address environmental challenges such as resource depletion and growing waste. In pursuit of a 'sustainable society', we are researching and utilizing materials with a lower environmental impact.

1. Inquiry

Please reach out to us by phone or through the inquiry form. Once we receive your request, we will send you a sample (approximately 1 kg) for a preliminary test along with a component analysis report.

* We also offer component analysis services for a fee.

2. Preliminary test

We will fire the provided sample at multiple temperature ranges to assess its properties. Afterward, we will mix it with clay and fire it again to evaluate its suitability as a tile raw material.

3. Meeting

We will provide the results of the preliminary test, which will serve as the basis for deciding whether to proceed with the next test. Additionally, these results will help us define the development goals. As we move forward, we will keep you updated on the outcomes of each test as they are completed.

4. Blending test

We will mix the supplied raw materials with clay in various proportions and conduct firing tests at different temperature ranges. Based on the results, we will compare the blending ratios and post-firing conditions, then evaluate the possible additive percentage that can be used.

5. Tile molding and firing test

Based on the results of the blending test, we will shape the material using suitable methods, such as pressing or extrusion molding, and then proceed with firing. We will also verify that no issues arise during the molding and firing processes.