About ecoRevo
ecoRevo® is an earth-friendly revolution aimed at a sound material-cycle society with recycled tiles.
ecoRevo's opportunity
The issue with tile resource depletion
Tajimi City, a place that has been famous since ancient times for producing ceramics such as Mino pottery, has long boasted about being one of the leading producers of tile inside Japan. As a result of a sluggish economy and the closure of mines due to clay depletion, the development of alternative raw materials that do not depend on natural materials has become an urgent matter.
Japan's disposal situation
As of March 2018, there are 1103 waste disposal facilities and 1651 final disposal sites in Japan; furthermore, the country has the most disposal facilities and final disposal sites in the world. It is said that up to 70% of the world’s incineration sites are in Japan. Due to Japan having such a small land area, “disposal of garbage = burning” has become the mainstream.
At the same time, it is also said that because the country discharges a large amount of trash, Japan also has some of the world’s best technology to help reduce the amount of garbage. The foremost leading technology is the melting furnace.
SDGs and growing environmental awareness
In September 2015, all United Nations member countries (193 countries) decided to protect our planet by eliminating extreme poverty, inequality and injustice over the next 15 years in order to realize a better future; this plan, which was adopted by the United Nations, was named “Agenda 2030”. This plan is part of the “Sustainable Development Goals”, which is often referred to as SDGs. In addition to challenges that were not fully addressed within the Millennium Development Goals, and by addressing 17 goals and 169 targets, such as the serious environmental issues discussed at Rio + 20, SDGs are an epic challenge to realize a world where “no one is left behind”.
Recycled Tile
ecoRevo®のリサイクルタイルは、リサイクル率95%以上を実現! これはグリーン購入法適合タイルの条件(リサイクル率20%以上)を遥かに超える数値です。また、低温かつ短時間での焼成が可能で、製造時のCO2排出量を17~33%削減。エネルギー効率の良い「省エネタイル」でもあります。
ecoRevo® がレギュラー製品として販売しているリサイクルタイルをご購入いただけます。製品ラインナップは順次追加予定。既製品をもとに、お好みの色やサイズなどを指定する「特注オーダータイル」をご依頼いただくことも可能です。
循環型社会(循環型経済 / サーキュラーエコノミー)という言葉をご存じでしょうか? 資源をできるだけ長く循環させながら再利用することで、廃棄物などの無駄を富に変える、地球環境に優しい社会モデルのことです。